I will be presenting on "Integrating NLP Timeline work into your Hypnotherapy Practice"

Hey there,
Are you fully informed about the impact of the digital age on your clinical hypnotherapy practice?
The digital age is both exciting and challenging for hypnotherapy, opening the door to client groups previously not able to access psychological help. Despite initial skepticism, working online as a hypnotherapist can be as effective as face-to-face sessions.
For better or worse, the pandemic showed us quickly the need to digitally transform the way we work as hypnotherapists - at home, in the office, or hybrid. This also comes with the challenges of the digital age including establishing an online hypnotherapy practice and the ethical delivery of cross-border services.
Now with all the uncertainty coming to an end, a question still remains…
How will you show up in this new digital world?
How does technology inform hypnosis?
How does hypnotherapy inform technology?
And where does spirituality and the superconsciousness mind fit in to all of this?
These are just some of the many questions we will be exploring during the Hypnotherapy 2.0: Where Hypnosis and Technology Meet Online Summit!
The goal for this summit is different than most. During this online summit, we will explore the intersection of hypnosis, technology, and spirituality and forge a path forward as we co-create the future of hypnotherapy together to thrive in the digital age.
For 5 days, August 16 - August 20, Kelly Bearer of Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute is bringing you presentations from industry experts who have found ways to work online using hypnotherapy that increases both their impact and their income. You’ll hear about everything from the Future of Hypnotherapy, Imposter Syndrome, Alien Abuductions, Behavioral Health Technology, and more.
The best part? It’s totally free!
There’s more I’d love to tell you about this summit, but I’ll let you check out all the details for yourself.